Text Messaging

What Is the Best Time To Send Appointment Reminders?

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Appointment reminders are a great way to ensure your patients arrive for their scheduled sessions. Of course, there is no way to wholly eliminate missed and rescheduled appointments, but reminders reduce the number of cancellations your business experiences. You may wonder, what is the best time to send appointment reminders? Trumpia explains below.

What Is the Best Time To Send Appointment Reminders?

Missed appointments can be a huge problem for businesses. They can throw off your schedule and result in financial losses. Appointment reminders are an effective way to reduce the number of missed appointments. The best time to send reminders depends on the type of appointment and how the reminder is sent. For text appointment reminders, it is best to send the reminder 24 to 72 hours in advance.

Providing two to three days’ advance notice is typically enough time to avoid a missed appointment. Text messages go directly to the recipient’s phone, and it is highly likely they will open the text right away to see the reminder. Having the reminder days in advance allows time for the recipient to confirm the appointment or reschedule. In the case that they reschedule, two to three days should be enough for your business to fill that appointment with another person and maximize profit.

Appointment Reminder Timing Considerations

It is advisable to follow the general rule of sending an appointment reminder two to three days in advance. However, there are several other considerations.

Appointment Type

The type of appointment can impact how soon you should send the appointment reminder. A reminder for a Zoom meeting for therapy may only require 24 hours’ notice. Online meetings are typically easier to navigate, as they only require getting online. There is no need to drive anywhere or prepare. 

Alternatively, a salon appointment for hair or nails may warrant an appointment reminder a few days in advance. Salon appointments generally take a few hours and are carefully scheduled to accommodate as many customers as possible. A canceled appointment can leave the stylist or technician out of significant time and money. Consider the type of appointment and how much there is to lose when assessing when to send the appointment reminder.

Appointment Day and Time

The time and day of the appointment require some flexibility in terms of when you message. An appointment on Monday morning may require more advanced notice. Sending the reminder the Thursday before then would be helpful. This extra day allows the recipient to arrange their schedule accordingly. If the reminder is sent on a Friday or Saturday, there is little time to plan around a Monday morning appointment. 

Consider the timing and day of the appointment when scheduling appointment reminders. Automated messaging software is highly beneficial in these cases. You can easily customize when you want reminders sent. For example, you may send all of your reminders 48 hours in advance except for those scheduled for Mondays. You can customize those appointments to have reminders sent three to four days in advance.

Client Preference

It is helpful to consider your clients’ preferences. Some may want to know one week in advance, while others may need just 24 hours’ notice. Consider their preferences and accommodate them accordingly. Be sure to have them fill out a form so you have their preferences in writing. This can ensure that you are on the same page and that you have the right information in the event that they cancel.

Automated Messaging Software

If you run a business that requires many appointment settings, consider automated messaging software. It can save you a lot of time and money and easily reduce the number of missed appointments your business experiences. Trumpia offers messaging software you can easily integrate into your business. Contact the team at Trumpia today for more information!