When you are building out an effective and powerful SMS marketing campaign, it is so important that you are taking time to stop and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing campaign before you keep working. Because the reality is, every good company knows how to work smart, constantly adjusting, and learning to adapt as the marketplace changes. That is why you and your company need tracking tools to gauge your SMS Marketing ROI in order to evaluate various different metrics.
SMS Marketing ROI Explained
ROI stands for Return on Investment, and it is a way to measure how cost effective one’s SMS marketing is. It simply analyzes the expenses of your marketing campaign with its total revenue. In other words, it tracks the performance of your SMS texts to see if you are getting your money’s worth when using our software.
There are so many ways you can use Trumpia in order to improve your ROI. One way we recommend improving your SMS Marketing ROI is by utilizing the power of Toll-free numbers and SMS Texting. When opting to use Trumpia for your marketing needs, every company receives its own dedicated toll-free number that you can use to send text messages to your contacts. You can send text messages, MMS, and even clickable links that contacts can access and you can later track metrics such as click through rate. By utilizing toll free texting, you can create different campaign types including a Customer Service Contact Center. All of this will lead to an improved ROI, efficient ordering process, excellent customer service, and more.
How to Track Your Campaign’s Progress
There are other ways to track the progress of your campaigns as well. Lead scoring is a powerful tool that you are able to use in conjunction with any of our tracking features offered by Trumpia’s SMS software. Lead scoring allows any company to assign scores to contacts based on behaviors and actions they complete when interacting with your SMS texting program. The beauty of using Trumpia’s lead scoring feature is that you are able to uniquely assign scores to different actions that are important to you, such as using a text keyword, clicking a link, and more.
Lead scoring allows you to accumulate scores for different contacts. These different scores indicate which contacts need to be targeted for future campaigns, saving you valuable time and energy. Don’t waste your efforts pouring only into people that you know already want your product or service. Start investing real time in convincing those that need an extra push. You can also set it up so that a message is automatically sent to a customer after reaching a certain lead score, setting your campaign on autopilot.
SMS Marketing ROI Case Study: Hospitality
Say you are in the hospitality industry and you are looking to boost the overall revenue for you and your company, you can assign lead scores to different actions that awards loyal and valuable customers. If a customer clicks a link you send, you can assign them two points. If they go to your website, another two points. If they interact with your product or leave a review, five points.
After a while, you can really encourage them to continue these actions by awarding them with coupons when they hit 20 points. SMS coupons are definitely great ways for you to encourage customers to continue to want to interact with you and your company moving forward.
The benefit of lead scoring is that you are able to set this up once and leave it, allowing you to focus on bigger and more important projects. All of this will encourage more customer interaction while promoting your brand.
An SMS Marketing Software You Can Trust
Start using Trumpia today and take advantage of all of our features and our advanced tracking features. In order to learn more about what Trumpia can offer you, or to learn how you can calculate your ROI score, we recommend consulting your Account Manager who can consult you and walk you through optimizing your marketing campaign.