archivetext messaging for hotels

text messaging for hotels

7 Ways SMS Improves The Hotel Guest Experience [Infographic]

Every new year marks the beginning of exciting adventures to come for many travelers. Make your hotel the go-to travel destination for all their hospitality needs by harnessing the power of text messaging for hotels. Improve your room service, guest communication, and employee communication by utilizing the fastest and most immediate...
text messaging for hotels
SMS Marketing

How Hotels and Resorts Can Benefit from Text Messaging

Don’t miss our step-by-step guide on how to integrate text messaging for hotels! COVID-19 has undoubtedly changed so many different industries throughout the pandemic. In fact, the way people interact with each other has completely shifted depending on people’s comfort and safety concerns. However, of all the industries, the industry...
sms marketing
SMS Marketing

What is SMS Marketing ROI?

When you are building out an effective and powerful SMS marketing campaign, it is so important that you are taking time to stop and evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing campaign before you keep working. Because the reality is, every good company knows how to work smart, constantly adjusting, and...
sms alerts
SMS Marketing

Keep Your Hotel Guests and Employees Safe with SMS Alerts

Successful hotels know that guest satisfaction is the key to getting both new and repeat customers. Safety has a huge impact on guest satisfaction and is the most basic and essential expectation hotel guests have during their stay. That’s why it’s crucial to keep guests safe with critical alerts, and the hotel industry...