archiveSMS Marketing myths

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SMS Marketing

6 SMS Marketing Myths Debunked

The world of marketing is fast-paced and requires businesses to effectively plan campaigns. A key tool includes SMS, as it is effective and efficient when it comes to communicating with consumers. In fact, many businesses often rely on SMS marketing to boost brand awareness, improve their contact list, and add...
sms marketing guide

The Ultimate SMS Marketing Guide

The Ultimate SMS Marketing Guide provides everything you need to know about using text messaging for marketing. PDF version available to download for FREE!
SMS Marketing
SMS Marketing

4 Common Misconceptions About SMS Marketing Demystified

SMS marketing is so effective for a very simple reason: texting or reading SMS messages is the number one thing people do with their cellphones in the USA. Not using social media; not watching videos or gaming. Texting. Still, there are many myths and misconceptions about the effectiveness of text...