If you are a successful company, you know that you are constantly looking for the best prospective employees in order to bring fresh and innovative ideas and contributions to your company. Because after all, a company is nothing without the bright and talented employees who constantly add value to the vision and mission of your company. That is why you need to start using Trumpia’s Texting Software to gather as many prospective employees as you can, and in order to start using text messaging for recruiting purposes.
Why Should You Use Text Messaging for Recruiting?
SMS Texting is a great solution for any company that is looking to save valuable time by letting our texting software handle all of their recruiting needs for them. And all of this is possible through our powerful Automation tools, which is what makes SMS Texting for Recruiting magical. By automatically interacting with your subscribers, you can have our Texting Software automatically send certain messages when a prospective employee sets off a trigger.
How to Write Them Step by Step
If you want to know how you can create the best text messaging for recruiting, follow these steps in order to start seeing new leads convert to actual applications.
- Set Up a Text Keyword – Create a text keyword like “Applynow” in order to have new prospective employees easily text to receive updates and follow up information.
- Automate Messages – You can automate your messaging path so that when they text Keywords like “Apply Now,” our texting software can automatically send them messages with links to whatever you want. You can take the opportunity to send the application directly to your prospective employee.
- Personalize Messages – You can also create messages that include custom data fields like their name and more in order to make the message feel more personalized.
- Send Appointment Reminders – If you love the application that you just received, you can set up a follow up appointment and continuously remind them of your appointment to avoid any chance of no shows or cancellations.
- Answer Any Questions – Trumpia allows for two way texting for recruiting, which simply means that your subscribers can respond back to messages. This means that you can have conversations with prospective employees, saving you valuable time by answering their questions before any in person meeting.
- Conduct a Survey – Ask your prospective employees what they thought about the interview process. This is the best way to capture meaningful data and learn how you can improve your SMS Texting for Recruiting possibilities!
You and your company would be surprised how much our texting software can change the way you and your company handle all of their communication. Learn more about our amazing texting software by reading about all of our features and use cases!
If you liked this article and found it interesting, read a more in-depth guide on text messages for recruiting here!