In this article, we intend to share a list of many useful SMS marketing facts and statistics compiled in one place. You may have read about some of them in the past. Some others might be new to you. Either way, we hope you find this list useful as a guide on the basic traits of this fascinating industry.
If you have a special query about SMS marketing, our texting software, or any other related topic, feel free to call or text call or text 1-888-707-3030. Our experts will be more than happy to help you.
Basic SMS Marketing Facts and Statistics
SMS Marketing has a 98% Open Rate
Almost ALL the text messages you send, even for marketing purposes, are likely to be opened. This beats every other media; even email marketing (which has a much lower 22% open rate).
There’s a very simple reason for such a high open rate: text messages use push notifications that come as a default setting on any mobile device. That makes them much easier to open and read, whereas email requires users to login their inboxes.

90% of Text Messages Are Read Within 3 Minutes
This makes SMS messages the media with the fastest turnaround in marketing. Only 6% of the users check their notifications within two to four hours after receiving a text message.
60% of Users Prefer to Receive Text Messages
Consumers tend to find SMS messages much less intrusive than a phone call. Texts also give them the freedom to open and read messages at their preferred time.
74% of Users Prefer Humans to Respond Their Messages
Even though this might sound like a contradiction with the previous item, it makes perfect sense. Despite the convenience of text messages, people like the idea of having a person communicating with them. This can be achieved in SMS marketing through some specific features:
- Two-way texting: which allows users to text a marketing SMS message back. This opens the possibility of answering questions derived from your original text.
- Landline texting: this tool lets you use a landline for both text messaging and calling.
- Voice broadcasting: instead of a text, you can send a pre-recorded voice message to both mobile and landline phones.
Only 25% of Businesses Use SMS Marketing
This brings a great opportunity for you, as it means SMS marketing is not as burned out as some other promotion tools and techniques. You have a real chance in leading or even pioneering the use of text messages in your industry, and make a big difference compared to your competitors.
General Statistics About SMS and Mobile Usage in the US
97% of Americans Have Mobile Phones
The vast majority of the people in the US own some sort of mobile device. 85% of them have a smartphone, while the other 12% have a cellphone that is not smart. Still, the smartphone ownership rate keeps on rising every year.
Almost 2/3 of Americans Check Their Smartphones 160 Times per Day
66% of the people in the US check their phones 160 times daily; and 65% of them sleep with them by their side every night. Heavy phone users can use their devices up to 86 times a day. On average, Americans spend 5.4 hours per day on their phones; while heavy users touch their phones 5,427 times daily.
Millennials and Baby Boomers Use Mobile the Most
Even though mobile ownership goes through every demographic group, people from the Millennial/Boomer generation spend around 5 hours a day on their phones. That’s basically half of the day. These groups are also the ones responding the fastest to any text message.
43% of Users Prefer Sending Text Messages to Businesses
These users are willing to proactively send brands SMS messages with inquiries, orders, and service requests. Still, only ⅓ of them actually receive a reply. This is a loss for many companies, but it can be seen as an advantage to any company performing a serious SMS marketing campaign.
9 out of 10 Users Actively Use SMS Loyalty Programs
Yes, 9 in every 10 consumers who enroll in loyalty programs through text message actually take advantage of those programs! SMS coupons are also a good alternative to these programs, as they are easier to create and even simpler for customers to remember.
SMS Marketing: The Next Big Thing?
As you can tell from reading these statistics, SMS marketing is here to stay. It’s a very cost-efficient way to engage existing and potential clients. And the best thing is not everyone uses it: unlike email or other marketing channels, text messaging is not burned out. That’s something you need to take advantage of!
Choosing the right texting software can make or break your SMS marketing efforts. Trumpia is definitely the best choice not only because of its ease of use but also for the number of features we offer; many of those features are non-existing on some of our competitor platforms.
If you want to know more about Trumpia and how to boost your sales through SMS messaging, call or text Call or Text 1-888-707-3030.